Welcome to 
At Park Place in Elmhurst IL
7/17/21 Progress
Multiple DCC Trains were running on Cell Phone Throttles
7/13/21 Progress
Progress during the Lockdown by the
Park Place Team (latest progress first)
New 06/01/21
New 5/13/21
New 1/17/21
New 12/1/20
Adding a Main Street with street cars is in the planning stage along with lights in the structures.
These are all club projects with input from the members.
This generates many ideas, and some do not work well for everyone's way of thinking.
So they try and see what happens next.
NEW 9/28/20
Jack is rebuilding the diesel shop at Park Place with structures and equipment from his original layout.
Jack installed several Atlas turnouts in his new facility and to connect to the main line.
The Railroad Club Room reopened at Park Place in Elmhurst IL.
After many months 3 members may work on the layout. The club has added Digitrax LNWI LocoNet WIFI Interface allowing cell phone WIFI operations for 4 phone apps.
Turnout Control System
Atlas Switch Setup
Device List Price Atlas Item #
HO Remote Switch Machine (Left or Right) $13.95 0052 or 0053
HO Switch Control Box $6.50 0056
Snap Relay $16.50 0200
The remote controls for Atlas Code 100 turnouts connected to an accessory connection allow for control of the turnout points at the tabletop. Use of the Snap Relay allows power to be connected to the frog of the #6 turnouts keeping power on the track as well as allowing bicolor signals and control of siding power.
HO Remote Switch Machine
For Code 100 #5 or #6 Turnouts. Remote switch machines will quickly and easily convert our Atlas code 100 HO switches to remote control. With a remote control switch you can wire the turnout to be "thrown" (changing the direction of the rail) from the control panel, rather than from the turnout itself.
HO Switch Control Box
Made for twin coil switch machines will control our Atlas switch machines with SPDT momentary action. Button position will indicate turnout setting. They can be coupled together for all the turnouts without wiring. Identification labels come with the control box.
What a Snap Relay Can Do for the Club
A double-pole, double-throw relay with actuating mechanism driven by a momentary-power, twin coil solenoid. (A solenoid is a cylindrical coil of insulated wire in which an iron core is made to move back and forth by a flow of electric current.) With just a few simple connections, this small device, which may be mounted anywhere, can:
· Power the frogs on Atlas' Code 100 #6 turnouts
· Control trackside signal lamps to show turnout point positions
· Operate control panel lamps to show settings of remotely located turnouts (switches)
· Provide selective track siding control. Sidings are powered only when points are aligned for siding. Siding remains dead when points are set for the mainline.
· Control X-sections automatically. This very useful track arrangement is thoroughly discussed in Atlas' Complete Wiring Book.
Updated 01/18/21
Join us in the “Greatest Hobby” as a member of the TLMRC.